I am a psychotherapist currently living in Auroville, India. On this website I write about the nature of my work.
If you would like to get practical information about how to contact me, or about session fee, please see the Contact page. If you would like to read more about how I work, the rest of the website is for that, particularly the Blog page.
The internet moulds our attention to be short in duration, quickly seeking something, and scrolling down when not finding it. If you are looking for more than practical information, I invite you to rest, be in touch with your feeling state in the present moment, and slowly absorb what you read here. Don’t read more than a few sentences at a stretch without pausing. Allow the spaces between paragraphs to be indicators to the mind to pause, and stay with what it has received so far, before moving forward.
Words contain emotions, and when read slowly, with openness, they open a relationship between the writer and the reader. There is no information to consume, no knowledge to accumulate then. One is only present to the words written by another, one word at a time, one sentence at a time.
If you read in this way, we can have an interaction, a serious engagement and you would know if the work I offer is something that resonates with your heart.