Listening Circle

For many of us, there may be few places, and sometimes none, where our unique experience of life can be listened to, respected, and given the emotional space it needs to grow and be understood.

If the true measure of a relationship is how well it helps us connect with our own deeper self and live authentically, rather than deny our unique selves and mould us according to the expectations of others, then a listening circle is an endeavour to create such a relationship between a small group of persons who meet once a week to reflect on their lives, particularly on their emotions.

For many persons, being in a listening circle may address their need for emotional care, and prevent psychological distress from reaching unbearable proportions, when one-to-one psychotherapy may be needed, or when psychological distress results in physical illness. In this way, a circle may play the role that traditional social institutions have intended to play but often fail to do so.

There are no fixed topics to be spoken of, although we may, sometimes, consensually decide to talk of one theme in a particular session.

There is no pressure to speak, or to not speak.

We simply meet, and one person, usually the facilitator, invites everyone to talk about anything they would like. As the session proceeds, the facilitator tries to ensure that anyone who speaks is given enough time, and is met with a certain degree of compassion and interest. Moments of quietness are valued rather than attempted to be covered up with talk. The facilitator or anyone holds no authority over anyone else. We meet and engage as equals, with all the joy and anxieties of such a relationship.

Over time, participating in such a space may help us find a meaningful experience of community, and a reflective perspective on what it means to be in a community, the ones that we find ourselves in without having chosen them, and those that we chose to be in and co-create.

Those with an interest in the psychology of such relationships may find a resonance between what we make an effort to create in such a space and the writings of J. Krishnamurti, Martin Buber, Carl Rogers, and Eberhart Arnold. The group, however, is not a place to study these writings.


There are four participants in the circle, and one facilitator.

The duration of the session is 1.5 to 2 hours. We can end earlier if the group feels that it is done for the day.

Those interested can attend one session and see if they would like to come again. However, to facilitate a sense of trust and depth, this is a space for those who would like to attend the sessions every week once they have decided to be part of the group. It is not a space where people may come sporadically.

We prefer that the participants remain the same for every session, but in case one or more decide to not attend any longer, others can be brought in if the group democratically wishes so.

The participants pay a fee of Rs 900 for each session.

If you are interested in being part of a listening circle, please send me a Whatsapp text on 9810932253 or mail me at .

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