I came to the vocation of psychotherapy from an interest in understanding human experience, and exploring what our lives – with all their suffering and joy – mean, and what it is to be a human being in the vastness of space and time that our universe is. In this form, psychotherapy is a contemplative practice where we endeavour to understand our lives deeply.
Other than being a contemplative practice, psychotherapy is also a form of caring. Hence, as a therapist, I offer listening and companionship to persons undergoing suffering, in a world where the focus can often be on quickly fixing suffering, or ignoring it. When both therapist and client practice deep listening to what the client speaks about, over a period of weeks and months, emotional pain tends to reduce and a sense of direction in life emerges from the deeper self.
I have trained to be a psychotherapist at Ambedkar University, Delhi, through the university’s MA and MPhil programmes, which specialise in depth psychology, particularly psychoanalysis and the links between the psyche and the structures of society. Before beginning my psychotherapy training, I studied Comparative Religion at Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi and the University of Cambridge, UK, and taught at the former institution for two years.
Comparative Religion is the academic study of the various religious traditions of the world, where one inquires into their philosophy, psychology and history to understand how they have served as a source of healing and purpose to human beings through the ages. At the heart of these traditions lies a quest to discover a relationship to the sacred, however differently human beings have expressed it across cultures.
My work as a therapist is therefore inspired both by modern understandings of the human condition as found in the explorations into the unconscious of the depth psychology tradition, as well as a quest for the meaning, which is as old as human beings are.
I have worked full-time as a therapist in private practice since 2019. In an earlier part of my life I have also worked as a meditation instructor and facilitator for counselling groups.
I am fluent in Hindi and English and work in both languages.
For more information, please see my resume. You can also see my academic writing on academia.edu .